Page:Jesus of Nazareth the story of His life simply told (1917).djvu/165

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eternal Life! But she did not know the Gift of God, nor did she understand what the Stranger said. Still the words "living water" sounded delightful in her ear, and in a puzzled, wistful way she said:

"Sir, give me this water that I may not thirst nor come hither to draw."

It is God's way to move us to ask for a grace which He means to grant. The poor woman had asked as well as she knew how. Now, then, He would give. The first thing He gives is sorrow for sin. To bring her to this He let her see that He knew all her past life. Overwhelmed with astonishment she exclaimed:

"Sir, I perceive that Thou art a Prophet." Then, thinking this a good opportunity of putting such a question, she asked if God was not as much pleased with their worship on Mount Gerazim as with that of the Temple in Jerusalem. She did not understand our Lord's answer and said:

"I know that the Messiah cometh who will tell us all things."

She wanted to be taught, she longed for her Redeemer. Jesus could hide Himself no longer.

"I am He who am speaking with thee," He said.

This is the first time He had declared plainly who He was.

During the three years of His Public Life His "signs," that is His wonderful miracles, showed plainly that He was God. Only a few times did He say distinctly that He was the long-expected Messiah, the Son of God. And the first time was to this poor Samaritan woman.

How we should like to know her answer! But at that moment the disciples came up, and she, eager now for all her friends and all the townsfolk to come and