Page:Jesus of Nazareth the story of His life simply told (1917).djvu/397

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They put to sea and laboured all night, but caught nothing. The sun was rising next morning when, through the light mist, they saw a Figure standing on the shore, and heard a Voice calling:

"Children, have you any meat?"

The weary men answered: "No."

"Cast the net on the right side of the ship," said the Voice, "and you shall find."

They obeyed, suspecting nothing. But when the net sank heavily, and they were scarcely able to draw it for the multitude of fishes, John said to Peter:

"It is the Lord!"

In an instant Peter was over the side of the boat and making for land with all his might. The six came up presently in the boat dragging the net with fishes.

As soon as they came to land, they saw hot coals lying, and a fish laid thereon, and bread.

Jesus said to them: "Bring hither of the fishes which you have now caught."

Simon Peter went up and drew the net to land full of great fishes, one hundred and fifty-three; and, although there were so many, the net was not broken.

Jesus said to them: "Come and dine."

Tired and hungry, they stretched themselves on the beach. And He went in and out among them giving them fish and bread. They looked at Him in silent wonder; looked at the Wounds in His feet and hands. They listened to Him, took food from His hands, touched Him as He went past. And when He came and sat down amongst them as in the old days, and the fresh morning breeze stirred His hair, and there were the sweet words and ways that belonged to Him alone, revealing Him every moment—what more could they want to convince them of the truth of His own words