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America, Judaism in



the Jews cif Malabar ami New Yurk." lMr7 M. Flflfrel, " Israel, the IliljlUal I'wple." l'Ji«l: H. Illowlzl, " Jewish Dreams and Literature: I. Kalish, "The.Sefer Yezlrah," INTT; Reallili's." " The I). Phllipson. Kinriiu Lazarus. " Soncs of a Semite," 1(«! Jew In Ent-'llsh Fiction," 1*<'J; G. Uosenzwelir. " Masse ket America" (Hebrew., ISiC; II. Uosenthal. " Kolicleth Wortc I»as Lied der des Sainmlers," IHlEi: iilinu "Slilr ha-shlrlni Lleder," 1W«; M. Uosenfclil, " Sontts fnan the (iliello," IWW M. M. DoUtzkv. "Shire Menahem " (Helirewi, IIKHJ; W. Poj)per, " IVnsoi-ship of Heliivw li.Hiks," 1«»!1; N. S. Lebowltz, '• Yehudah Arleh mi-Modenu" iHebri'wKM ed., Umi. L M. Wise, I'raiiir-lli"ikx.—l. l.eeser, " ])allv Prayers," 1S47


lias this

American Hebrew, Tho

cordial recognition of .ludaism as

liS-Vi D. Kmhorn, " "(llat-Tanilil," IxVt; second iilltlon, ed. by E. (i. HliNch. 1896: B. Szold and M. M. JiLstiiiw. "HeKJastniw, "Alxxlath Israi-l," INH and 1H71 yon U'b (Hausandaehtl," 18?.">; L P. Mendes, "Pun" Words," l«m; New York Boanl of Jewish Minister, ".Jewish Home Pmyer-lMHik." Issh; iilfm. "The Do<.)r of iioix?" (prayers at the cemelen't, ISDS; (.'enlral Conference f»f American Habbls. "Tnlon Hebri'W Prayer-b.jok." ISSW-'.k'): (;. Gotlhcil, "Sun and Shield," ISIKi: .M. Ja.strow, "The HaKfradah Senice for Passover " H. Berkowllz, " Klddusli. or Sahlmth .sentiment," 1897 Annie J. Uni, " Meditations of the Heart," IIKK). 7/|;mii».—Penina Molse, "Hymns Written for the Use of HeM. Wise, "Hymns, lin>w Coniireifaiions," ed., ItWi: I. Psalms, and Praverx," 1M7: <i. Gotthi-ll, " Hvnmsand Anthems Adapted for Jewish Worship," 1887 F. de S(.lii Mendes, "SynaHyninai." f'OL'ue arcd S. Ik Mil," 1887 I.S. Most^s, "Sahludh-srl 8iM: Confeivnce of American Ilubbls, " Ini.'ii Hviiinal," 1897. St rniint.^. I. Leeser, "Sernums and Dis<-oiii>u's i.ti the Jewish RellKlon." 18:^7, etc.: D. Elnhorn. "AuscewiiliMe Pivdicten " J. Krauskopf, "Evolution and Judaism": F. do Sola Mendes, "Tyndulllsni and Judaism," 1874: L. Adler, "Sabbatii Home ThouKhls": .. Huebsch, "Sermons and Lectures" (memorial volumel, ISj*.'); H. Baar, "Addn's.s(s on Honielv and RellKlous

"Mlnhae America,"




SubJecLs," I8WI: K. Kohler, "Backward or For^vanl I" IKSS: s. Sehlndler. " Messianic F..|X'Ct.itlonsand Modern Judaism," 18.s<t: M. H. Harris, "Temple Israel Pulplt," l.siM-ini; Conference of American Itablils, "The American Jewish Pulpit," Is'.Ki. Ciiliiiilitrs.—J.J. Lyons and .hraham de Sola, "Jewish Calendar for fifty Years, with an Intrwluctory Es.say on the Ji-wlsh Calenilar." I8.>( A. N. Coleman. ".American Hebrew Manual, a

Years," etc.,;i; K. M. Myei-s, "Centurlal, "1891): Harkay"s "People's Calendar," 1895- UIUO; Cyrus Adler, " American Jt-wish Year Book," .'iti'id, etc. .Sc;ioo(-/io.i/,».— Sluiha C. IVi.voiio, "Cate«'hlsm of Bltile History " J. Kalzenlieiv, " Biblical History": S. DeuLsch, "Bible HIstorv," 187.'i: F. de Sola Mendes. "Child's Fli-st Bible," 1K7.'>: li/i HI. " outlines of Bible Hislorv," ismi; Adolph Moses and I. S. Mosi-s. " The Pentateuch," IH'^i «/f «i. " The Historical BiK.ksof (he Bllile," 18m: i</cm. "Ethics of the Jewish Scriplun-s": H. AlMirbanel, "EnirlLsh ScIkn'I and Famllv Header for

Calendar for



Elhlis": M.

ISKt: J.<ipf and H. lierkowltz, "Bn):e 11. Harris, "The People of the BiKik." 1890; H. P.


Presented." I89ti: Annie J. Hechi, " Post-Biblical History," 18UI1. Iteliirlon: "'s Mosiiic Rellirlon." translated bv I. l,ei-ser. 18:111; I. I/^-ser. "Cale-hism for Jewish Chlldivn." 18:1950; M. .N'. .Nathan, " Koad to Failh." Isiai; B. Szold and I. M., "catechism of Judaism " (i. Jacobs, " Elementary Cal**J. M. de Sola. "Jewish student's Companchlsm of Judaism" 188n; iilcm, " Conllrmalion Manual" ino date) ion," K. KohSi'O also Ciuiler. "(iulde for Instruction In Judalsn)," 1898. Mendi-s.

Hlslor^•. F.thlcallv

Moses. " Bible SU)rle»,"



TAiyr., Jkwisii;

amkkican Jewish Historical socikty;

SCNDAV Schools;

the United States liiis liron most forttiiiiilf ill siiiiriii!.' tcsiiiiKPMy nf istiini from pdliliciil milluiriticsiiiKl fnini rcpicscntiilivcs (if the Cliristiiin und ju rhaps iiiipossifiiilli, to a deforce Hnliciird of .Iiiilaism in


Tlichiijlicst IcL'islalivc liody in the land, tlio nalioiial Coni;ri'ss in Wasliinirton. 1ms repeatedly invited .Jewish ininislers to open its ])iit)lic sessions with praver; the earliest instance in llie Senate was all'orded by M. .1. Hapliall. Fel). 1. ison. t>l(


followed, anion}; idhcrs. bv .bnil):iin de Sol.i, .Ian. 1K72; I,. Slern. Aiil'. 12."lsT(i; II. I'( icira Mende.s. !», 1H.H4; J. Silveniuin. ls<j-,>. Siiniliirly the of Hepresentatives lliere was opened liv .M. .lastrow in l«fiil; E. (}. March. 1S!I'.>: E. N. Cordial Caliscli. April 7, l.S<)2. and I. M. Wise. Relations ISO'2. Of the niinieroiis state leiciswith Chris- laliiies, New York has invited Max Selilesiniier of .lbaiiy (repeatedly tians. since IHUT); Yirninia. E. N. C'ali.seh (friMpienlly since ISlll); Alalmnia. Oscar ,1. Cohen of Moliile; and New .Jersey. N. Hosenaii. I'.tOl. Isiuic L. 1.1'iieht was honored in the same way by the Constiliilional Convention of the state of Louisiana and the Uepublieiui National Convenlion at St, Louis, in lHU(i. made Samuel Sale one of its chaplains.


church been confined to non-religious bodies: Jewish ministers in America have been .so frequently invited to address Christian audiences in the churches of the latter that the incident no loiiLcer attracts

The earliest steps

special attention.

were taken by M,



1. il.

in this direction

Wise of Cincin-

who repeatedly preached in Christian cliurches; while among those who have accepted similar invinati,

tations in Unitarian,, Lutheran, and I'resbyterian churches have been J. Kniuskopf, in Philadelphia. Kansiis City, Des Jloines. Cheyenne, also in liuntsville. Ala. I. Aaron, in Buffalo, N. Y.,

and Hamilton. Ont.

H. .1. Messing, in Hannibal, Mo., Xin: L. Stern, in Washington. D. C. 1899; I.

and Max Heller


Orleans. La. S, in Baltimore, Md. A. Uuttman, in Syracuse, N. Y.. 18199; R. Lasker, repeatedly at summer services in Winthrop, Ma-ss. W. S. Friedman, for ten successive Sundays in Denver, Col, Emil G. Ilirsch. very fre.piently in Chicago; G. Gottheil. in New Y'ork and Brooklyn: P. de Sola Mendes. at the Talmace "Jubilee" in Brooklyn; M. J. Gries. in Cleveland. O.. and Chattanooga. Tenn. L. Mayer, in Pittsburg; Joseph f^.


Heclil. in


Milwaukee, Wis.;

S. Sale,


Newark. X.

H. Berkowitz, First Unity


Church of I'liiladelphia, also repeatedly in >Iethodist and Unitarian ehurclies at Ivansas City: E, N. CaliscI). Church. Peoria; .M. Schlesingerand Alexander Lvous. Congregational Church. Albany, X. Y, O. J. Cohen. Methodist Church. Dallas. Tex. and Jlildola de Sola, at St. George's Church, Montreal. ISSO (lecture on the Jewish dietary laws). At the Parliament of Religions at Chicago in 1S93 Emil G. Ilirsch was one of the leaders in speech and action; while as recently as 19(J0. Jewish ministers were welcomed to prominent participation in the Xew Y'ork State Conference of Religions, both in preparing papers for the sjime (H. Berkowitz. M. H. Harris, R. Grossinani and in compiling a union rit;

ual for the use of the conference (G. Gottheil). Christian congregations have freiiuently worshiped in Jewish temples, as, for instance. St. George's Episcopal in the United Hebrew Congregations' Temple at St. Louis, 1888; several Presbyte-

and a Unitarian congiegation in Pittsburg at the Jewish temple there, 1885. etc. the First Baptist Church of Xewark, N. J., at the local temple in 1889, In October, IHQ."), Miss Florence Buck, of the Unity Church. Cleveland. (),, preached in the temple of that city, and vice versa Jewish congregations were olTered the use of churches for their regular divine service on Sabbath and holy days. So, for instance, the Sinai congregation in Chicago, after the great fire had destroyed its temjile in 1871, assembled for a long time in a Congregational church for regular worship. rian congregations

BIBLIOOR.VPIIV: r. p. Daly, .Vortli



Jrtn <n


Jiiihli I'Kir /ioofc.


The Settlement nf

Max J. Kohler, New York, ISSH; Isaac llrlmm in A inerioi. New York, IKss .| rm ri-


Markens. Tin


I'lililiiiiliininiif llic

«!. Cynis Adler, Philadelphia, IliKl-irirnI Sneiilu. I'*8

Am. Jew.

el mi;.: L. (iclKer. . I /»ri/i<ii)i (Irifirr'K .Viir/i|(rliis,« III' Selirlften. vol. v., Berlin. Is7il: II. L. PIncknev and Alirahuin .Moisc, ^roin fhc .i/iV*II(iriroiiK irrltiiii;s nf the L*Uc .-t .s'l'/crtioii Imar llnrliii. f;»<(., Charleston, !!«»; D. Elnliom, In the ihtIodlcal .s'iiKii. 18V>.

F. ni: S.

AMERICAN HEBRE'W, THE: journal, the

Xew York


A weekly

number of which was published in Nov. '21. 187!t. It was founded chielly



through the I'lTorts of F. de Sola Mendes. who. together with Philip Cowen. the publisluTof the paper from itslirst number, inien'steil si'venil other persons in the formation of a corponition to issue the paper,