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— Ark Ark

of the Law of Noah


generally a movable pieceof furniture, so that in case of disturbance or danger it could be readily removed with its contents. In its most rudimentary form it was merely a wooden case or closet, raised from the floor sufficiently scrolls of the

high for the congregation to see the the doors were open.

Law when

Sometimes the Ark is fashioned as a recess or niche in the wall, and the design is then very properly considered in connection with the architectural treatment of the interior of the synagogue. When this method is adopted it is generally ornamented with columns, cornices, and arches; and when built of stone or other rich materials, presents an appearance of great dignity. Examples may be found to-day in some of the London synagogues, a particularly notable one being that in Great St. Helens, which itself is a fine piece of classic design. In this structure the Ark is a curtained recess in a semicircular wall. It is flanked with pilasters and coupled


The Ark

in the synagogue in each of these cities is a superb structure made of stone, marble, and rich metal work but the main line of the walls against which it is placed has been recognized in its design,

and while

it is

a separate structure,

It is

In the Temple Beth-El, New York, the Ark is made of onyx and colored marbles, and is placed against a semicircular background of marble and mosaic. Richly wrought and gilded bronze is used for capitals and other ornamental parts, and for the doors which latter are counterweighted, and rise instead of sliding to the sides. These doors are of open design, so that, even when they are closed, the scrolls may be seen, as the interior is illuminated with electric lights.

The approach to the Ark the West End Synagogue, New York, is by of

four steps from the main floor, giving upon a broad platform extending nearly the whole width of the building from the center of the rear of this again, rise four semicircular steps leading to the actual Ark. This is of elaborate Moresque design and workmanship, in which strong relief is obtained by the use of light oak fretwork, embedded in black walnut

A more modern example delphia,





where the


occupies practically the entire eastern end of the building. Here, also, it takes the form of a recess in the wall and it is

framed with columns and supporting a round arch, in the tympanum of which are the tables of the pilasters


surrounded by

panels, in the central

stained glass. When the doors are opened, a base of white marble is disclosed,



this rest the scrol Is.

In the


richly carved, entirely constructed of wood,

other columns and arches supporting a half-dome, a fine effect of stateliness being attained by this sim pie treatment. in the


and colored in the manner of the Alhambra.

Corinthian columns, which are surmounted by

is found Mickve


a consonant part of the interior and harmonizes with it without losing its distinctive importance. The Ark in the Temple Emanu-El in New York is an unusually elaborate piece of Moresque design.

sliding doors



which scrolls.



of the



at Pogrehishche, Russia. (From Bersohn, " Kilka Slow.")

In the


at Amsterdam there is an extremely beautiful Ark treated architecturally with Ionic columns, cornices,

and pediments; the central portion is raised higher than the sides and contains the tables of the Law elaborately framed and surrounded by carving. This Ark is specially notable from the fact that it is divided vertically into five parts, each having separate compartments with doors, and all containing scrolls. Notwithstanding its elaboration, however, it has no relation to the interior design of the building, and must be considered rather as a handsome piece of furniture placed in the position of honor. In many of the important synagogues in Europe In Wiesbaden, the Ark is treated in' the same way. Florence, and Paris are three instances of this.

walnut which reproduce the form of pillars,

those of stone


support the portico of the exterior of the building, and of those of onyx that uphold the galleries, flank the Ark. The whole structure is set in an arched recess in the south wall of the building, and receives light in the

daytime from rows of Mo-

resque windows of stained glass, placed close together and filling the extent of the arch. By night, concealed gas or electric lights are skilfully adjusted to illuminate the salient points of the design. The pulpit and the reading-desk, occupying their customary positions, repeat the mosaic ornamentation of the combined oak and walnut, characteristic of the Ark. An equally elaborate Ark is that of the " Shearith Israel " congregation in New York, the Sephardic place of worship a colored plate of it forms the frontispiece of vol. i. of this Encyclopedia.