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Barbados Barbary States


mines as had been promised. Isaac Israel de Piso is further punished by having taken from him a gold chain previously given him as a mark of royal favor

be found in the

In 1667 the Jews of the island are accused of carrying on illicit trade with the Dutch, then at war with England, and in January, 1669, the king issues orders to the governor that vessels which are reported to have sailed from Amsterdam on the account of certain Jews, shall be seized immediately


(ib. v.


57, 90-92).

their arrival


In 1668 the Jews are spoken of as extensive ownOn Oct. 23 of that year the grand jury includes among its presentments that no to sell goods at retail


v. 58).

appear that the colony had increased considerably, and that the inhabitants other than Jews feared that the latter might be getting it

too great a control of the trade of the island. In January, 1671, Moses Pereyra is made a free denizen, and shortly thereafter Lord Willoughby, the governor, is instructed to dispense with the administration of the oaths of allegiance and supremacy in the cases of Jews admitted to denization, and to molest no man in the peaceable exFree ercise of his religion (ib. v. 58, 59).

Exercise of Having become a community of conReligion, siderable importance, the Jews now be1671. gan a period of agitation for the admission of their testimony in courts of law This privilege had been denied them hitherto, because of their refusal to take oath except upon the Five Books of Moses. Accordingly, on Oct. 29, 1669, they presented to the king a petition in which they stated that measures were taking to deprive them of the benefits of trade (referring to the above-mentioned presentment of the grand jury), and that their testimony was not admitted in the courts when the parties were others than those of their own race. This petition was signed by Antonio Rodrigues Rezio, Abiaham Levi Rezio, Lewis Dias, Isaac Jeraio Coutenho, Abraham Perriera, David Baruch Lou-

zada, and others (see Daniels, ib.). Upon its reference to the governor, he gave it a favorable recommendation, but for several years no action was taken. However, on Feb. 14, 1674, a law was Permitted passed granting to them the privilege of taking oath on the Five Books of to Take Oath, 1674. Moses, and of giving testimony in cases relating to "trade and dealings, and not otherwise. " In 1675 the attempt was made without avail to have this law amended so as to admit Such an their testimony in all courts and causes. act passed the Assembly, but appears to have received no further sanction ("Publications Am. Jewish Hist. Soc." v. 5S), 96). In February, 1679, a levy of taxes " in pounds of Muscovado Sugar on the Hebrew Nation Inhabitants in and about Bridgetown toward defraying the charges of the Parish," produced from 59 persons Some names already mentioned appear 13,299 lbs. Those paying the highest amounts were in this list. David Raphael de Mercado, 1,260 lbs. Abraham Obediente, 1,044; Laodrel Obediente, 938; Anthony Rodrigues, 580 Lewis Dias, 580; Daniel Bueno, 383. The remainder was paid in quantities varying from 350 to 25 lbs. The names of fourteen women are to


paying quantities of from 125

to 25 lbs. (Daniels).


of the same year complaint was Assembly by sundry merchants that the Jews were procuring control of more than their fair share of trade; and in the same month the Assembly passed an act restraining them from keeping


to the

or trading with negroes ("Calendar of State Papers,

Colonial America and West Indies," 1677-80, p. 446, In 1680 there were living at St. Mi1190). chaels a Jewish population numbering 184, of whom were adults, owning 163 negroes and Numbers 54 indentured servants (" Publications in 1681. Am. Jewish Hist. Soc." i. 105 et seq.); and in June, 1681, the total Jewish population of the island was 260 (" Calendar of State Papers, Colonial America and West Indies," The latter year witnessed 1681-85, p. 72, No. 136). several petitions presented to the Assembly against the Jews, and u, presentment of the grand jury in August "against the evil done to the island by


v. 94, 95).

ers of sugar-works.

Jews be suffered This would make


vagrant and poor Jews " (ib. p. 102, No. 206). The falsity of this charge is proved by the large proportion of persons out of the total population who were On Aug. 9 Aaron Baruch able to and did pay taxes. Louzado, Daniel Bucino, and Jacob Founzeke (Fonseea) prayed for, and were granted on behalf of the Jews of the island, the use of the courts for their protection as traders, and the right to trade (ib. This indicates that though the act p. 99, No. 198). allowing their testimony to be taken in certain causes had been passed six years before, it was not until now enforced. In 1688 the Jews who were not denizens, residing in the seaport towns or islands, were restricted to the holding of one slave apiece, under penalty of the forfeiture of the slaves. This act continued in force until Sept. 30, 1706, when, by reason of the increased importance and influence of the Jewish community, it was unconditionally repealed ("Publications Am. Jewish Plist. Soc." v. 60). In 1756 a special tax of £210 per annum was levied on them, apportioned so that those in Bridgetown should pay £190 of that sum, and those of Speightstown the remainder. This indicates the localities then inhabited by Jews. On Oct. 8, 1761, this additional burden was lifted, and after that date the Jews were rated and paid taxes on the same scale as the other inhabitants (ib. pp. 60, 61). From this time for a period of seventy years the

Jewish community grew in numbers and became creasingly prosperous.



act of the

Period local government in 1802, and of Parof Greatest liament in 1820, all political disabilities Prosperity, were removed, and Jews were granted 1761even greater privileges than were ac1831. corded to other inhabitants of the island for by the terms of the latter act they were entitled to have five representatives from among themselves who were to determine what share of the taxation of the island should be levied upon them (Daniels, I.e. and "Jewish Year-Book," ed.

Jacobs, 5657, p. 129).

Comrmmal Interests In common with all early Jewish communities, it is altogether probable that the first place of meeting for worship of the Barbados Jews was at the house of some member of the