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Behrend Behrends



physician born at Neu-Stettin, Pornerania, June 12, 1803; died at Berlin May 30, 1889. He was educated for a mercantile career, and became a clerk at Konigsberg, East Prussia, in 1819, but resigned the position in 1821 to prepare himself for his academic studies. In 1823 he entered the University of Kbnigsberg, and three years later was graduated as doctor of medicine. Spending the following two years in travel, he settled as physician in Berlin in 1829. There he was employed by the city department of police as medical examiner of prostitutes, becoming in 1876 chief physician of the " Sittenpolizei," with the title of "Geheimer Sanitatsrath." Behrend was the editor of the following medical works and journals (at first with Moldenhauer, later alone) " Allgemeines Kepertorium der Medizinisch-Chirurgischen Journalistik des Auslandes," 22 vols., Berlin, 1829-35; " Bibliothek von Vorlesungen der Vorzilglichsten und Bertihmtesten Jetzt Lebenden Aerzte, Wundilrzte und Geburtshelfer des Auslandes iiber Medizin, Chirurgie, und Geburtshilf'e," 23 vols., Leipsic, 1833-41 " Syphilidologie oder die

Neuesten Erfahrungen, Bcobachtungen, und Fortschritte des Inlandes und Auslandes tiber die Erkenntniss und Behandlung der Venerischen KrankLeipsic, 1838-40; (with A. Hildebrandt) "Journal fur Kinderkrankheiten," Berlin and Erlangen, 1843-72 (with Henke) " Zeitschrift f ilr Staatsarzneikunde, " 1850-64. He was also the author of the following books: " Ikonographische Darstellung der Nichtsyphili(1) tischen Hautkrankheiten," Leipsic, 1839 (2) " Ikonographische Darstellung der Beinbruche und Verrenkungen," Leipsic, 1845; (3) "Prostitution in Berlin und die Gegen die Syphilis zu Nehmenden Massregeln," Erlangen, 1850; (4) " Die Oeffentlichen Bader


"Waschanstalten, Ihr Nutzen und Ihr Ertrag," 1854 (5) " Die Kanalisirung der Stadt Berlin in Gesundheitlicher Beziehung," Berlin, 1866. Further, Behrend has contributed many essays to Rust's "Magazine," Hufeland's "Journal der Praktischen Arznei und Wundarzneikunde," Henetc., ke's "Zeitschrift fur die Staatsarzneikunde, and translated medical works of foreign countries.

und ib.




Furst, Bibl. Judaica, s.v., where a book written by Israel B. Behrend is wrongly credited to Frederick Jacob Behrend: Hirseh, Biographisches Lexikon, s.v., Vienna, 1884; Pagel, Bioyraphisches Lexikon, s.v., Vienna,


Dispensary for Sexual Diseases in 1891. Behrend is the author of about sixty books and articles, the more important of which are (1) " Ueber Erythema Exsudativum Multiforme Universale, " Berlin, 1877;

"Pemphigus, Syphilis Hemorrhagica," etc., ib. " Ueber Pityriasis, zur Lehre von der Verer(3) bung der Syphilis," etc., ib. 1881; (4) "Ueber Komplikation von Impetigo Contagiosa und Herpes Ton(2)






Hautkrankheiten," thrarobin,

" ib.




die Gonorrhoebehandlung His "Lehrbuch der Haut-

fall,"i6. 1889; (8)





des Lanolin bei

etc., ib. 1886; (6) "Ueber An" Nervenlasion und Haaraus-

krankheiten," ib. 1883, is well known. He is also a contributor to the "Handw5rterbuch der Medizin" and to Eulenburg's " Realencyklopadie der MediFor the latter he has thus far written about zin." thirty articles.

Bibliography: Pagel, Biographisches Lexikon Hervorragender Aerzte des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, s.v., Vienna, 1901 Hirseh, Bingraphi.sehes Lexikon der Hervorragenden

Aerzte Alter Zeiten und VOlker,


Vienna, 1884.

F. T. H.



Physician and communal worker born in Liverpool in 1828 died in London Nov. 28, 1893. After completing a brilliant academical career, he studied for the medical profession at University College Hospital, London, and continued his studies at Manchester. In 1850 he was elected a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England became a licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh in 1859, and a

At first Dr. Behrend of the same in 1868. practised in Liverpool, where he was appointed honorary physician of the Liverpool Dispensary and other institutions. He also acted for some time as surgeon to a Lancashire regiment of militia. Later


on he practised in London, where he was widely Dr. Behrend contributed many artipatronized. cles to the medical journals; a series of papers on " The Late Cholera Epidemic " to the " Lancet, " in 1852 an " Essay on the Post-Biblical History of the Jews," 1850. His articles on the " Communicability of Diseases from Animals to Man" were translated Dr. Behrend into several continental languages. wrote also in defense of shehitah and the regulations of the Mosaic code. In the " Nineteenth Century " he published an article entitled " Diseases Caught from Butchers' Meat " and other contributions on the same subject were later reprinted in book form. He also lectured before learned societies on medical and archeological subjects. Dr. Behrend rendered his greatest service to the London community in his connection with the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum, Norwood, of which he was elected chairman of the committee in 1868, vice-president in 1869, and president in 1871. This last office he filled with conspicuous ability, helping to make the charity one of the best-managed orphan asylums in the United Kingdom.


F. T. H.



German dermatolomedical writer, and professor of medicine at the University of Berlin; born atNeu-Slettin, PrusHe attended the gymnasium of sia, Jan. 10, 1847. his native town and the University of Berlin, obDuring the Francotaining his doctorate in 1870. German war he was assistant physician at the Reserve Lazareth in Berlin, in which city he established himself as a physician in 1872, becoming a wellknown specialist in dermatology and S3r philis. In 1882 he was admitted to the medical faculty of the University of Berlin as privat-docent, and lectured on dermatology and syphilis. He also treated of


the subject of prostitution. He became titular professor in 1897, and chief physician of the Municipal

Bibliography: Jewish Chronicle and Jewish World, Dec.



G. L.




German physician

and writer on medical subjects; born at Wittenburg, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 1804; died at Ros-