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Joan, The Curate.

pimply-faced rogue in loose jacket and slops, who carried a pipe in his mouth, and a bludgeon in one hand.

This latter uttered a savage oath on perceiving who it was that they were to attack.

"Tis the chief, the captain. Let's cut his throat and carry him out, and hang him to's own bowsprit, mates!" cried he, in a hoarse rasping voice, as he swung his bludgeon round his head and dashed up the slope after his comrades.

"Ay, that will we, and serve him well for his devotion to's duty," sang out the burly giant who led the attack.

"Have at 'un! Slash at 'un, Robin!" piped out the lean man, in a thin high voice that had a tone of unspeakable savagery in it.

Meanwhile, the lad, blinded by the blood that flowed from the wound in his head, had staggered aside, out of the way of Tregenna and his new assailants.

On they all came, quickly, eagerly, thirsting for revenge on the man who was, they considered, the leading spirit in the crusade carried on against their nefarious enterprises. But Tregenna did not flinch. He had the advan-