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The Mistery of the Gray Barn.

and to bind him when he's dazed and can't do naught to defend hisself, why, that's no work for a man as is a man, and it ain't no work for me."

"Odso, man, we'll do as well without thee!" retorted Robin, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a huge red hand.

"Ay, and better too!" piped out Bill. "For there'll be one less to share the plunder; and——"

He was interrupted by a roar of mocking laughter from all the men within hearing.

"Ay, that's Bill Plunder, true to's name!" cried one. "Never no blows gets struck but what he's thinking whether there's guineas to come out of it, or but a matter of shillings! But there'll be cursed little to take from a fellow that's but a lieutenant!"

"There's his laced coat, and his sword, and maybe somat handsome by way of a pistol," grumbled Bill, angrily. "Pickings worth having, any way, and that 'ud not find me too proud to take 'em."

"Maybe you'll not have the chance, Bill, after all," said Tom. "Maybe the young officer'll know better nor to come."