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In The Lion's Mouth.

As Bill Plunder uttered these words, a storm of curses and oaths burst from the listening smugglers. There was a movement, a stamping of feet, a rattling of weapons. And Tregenna, brave man though he was, felt the blood run cold in his veins, as he thought of the fate which would be his if he should fall into their hands that night.

"'Twas the lieutenant, for sure! Curses on him!" cried Ben the Blast, bringing his heavy heel down sharply on the tiled floor as he spoke. "And whither did he go? Answer that! Whither, I say, whither?"

"That the lad didn't know no more'n you do. He said as how he caught hold of the leg of the fellow that was spying, and as how he was flung off and down to the ground. And as how he looked and looked, and searched and hunted, but couldn't get not so much as a sight of him no more. And as how he dursn't call to any of us, for fear as he should be caught for a spy hisself. That's the lad's tale, and Oi believe it's the truth, for 'od's fish, Oi made him tremble in's shoes."

"Why didst not bring him hither?" asked Robin, shortly. "We'd have knocked the