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A Late Visitor.

"It may be so, but I'll not risk it. I'll not leave this house without you."

"Leave it with me, then, said Joan, making up her mind with promptitude. "You shall mount my horse, and I'll ride behind." And turning quickly to Ann, "Good night," said she somewhat coldly.

But she got no answer. Ann was watching them both with no very friendly eyes. Sitting on the edge of the great table, and looking again to the life the dare-devil buccaneer, as she tossed her short hair, threw back her head, and swung one foot with great energy, she waved one hand impatiently, as if to speed the departure of the lieutenant and Joan, but uttered no word of farewell.

Then Tregenna tried. Going back a step he held out his hand.

"Come, Mistress Ann," said he, "I'll not credit that you would have done me a hurt, here in your own house, however fierce a foe you might be in a hand-to-hand conflict outside. Let us part friends here, even if we meet as antagonists hereafter."

For answer Ann put down her hands, one on each side of her, grasping the edge of the