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Joan, The Curate.

fere with us. So now, mistress, off with you, and leave him to us!"

But for answer Joan crept a step nearer to Tregenna, who touched her arm gently.

"Go, Miss Joan, go," said he, earnestly. "I can hold my own with these fellows, believe me!"

"Curse you! You shall not bear that boast away with you," said Robin, fiercely.

And he made a lunge at Tregenna.

Joan uttered a faint cry as she caught sight of the gleaming knife in the smuggler's hand, turned quickly, and flung her arms round Tregenna's neck.

"Off with you, away with you! We'll not touch you, mistress, but you must leave him to us!" cried Gardener Tom, reining in his horse behind the pair, and seizing Joan's mount by the bridle.

"Touch him if you dare!" cried Joan, fiercely, as she turned her head, panting, and looked full in Tom's face.

"Why, what call have you to tell us to let him go, mistress? He's a stranger, he is, and naught to you!"

"Oons, mistress, if so be you can make out