Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/115

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May hear and disbelieve, or yield at best 215
A cold assent. These fully to confirm
And more to manifest thy holy power,
Forthwith with all due speed I shall convene
The Doctors of Theology, wise men
And skilful in the mysteries of Heaven. 220
By these thy mission studied and approved,
As needs it must be; of these holy men
The sanction to the dubious minds of all
Shall bring conviction, and the firm belief
Lead on thy favour'd troops to mightiest deeds, 225
Surpassing human credibility."
Well pleas'd the maiden heard. Her the King leads
From the disbanding throng, meantime to dwell
With Mary. Watchfull for her Lord's return
She sat with Agnes. Agnes proud of heart, 230
Majestically fair, whose large full eye
Or flashing anger, or with scornful scowl
Deform'd her beauteous features. Yet with her
