Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/196

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By everlasting Justice! come that hour 475
When in the Sun the Angel of the Lord[1]
Shall stand and cry to all the fowls of Heaven,
Gather ye to the supper of your God,
That ye may eat the flesh of mighty men,
Of Captains, and of Kings! Then shall be peace 480
When—Author of all ills that flesh endures,
Oppression, in the bottomless abyss
Shall fall to rise no more!"

The Maid pursued,
"And now, lest all should perish, was decreed
That from the town the females and the infirm 485
Should, out-cast, seek their fate."
"I may not now
Recall the moment, when on my poor Francis,
With a long look I hung! At dead of night,
Made mute by fear, we mount the secret bark,
And glide adown the stream with silent oars: 490
Thus thrown upon the mercy of mankind.

"I Wan