Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/22

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She paus'd: meantime,
As down the steep descent with many a step
They urge their way, her eye with wistful gaze85
Views the departing scene; so his last glance
High from the deck the wretched exile sends
To all that life holds dear; the glist'ning tear,
Soften'd her eye and all the Woman reign'd.
Soon the delufion dies; in distance lost90
Fades every spot belov'd; the hillock's top,
The oak wide-branching, and the rising smoke
Slow o'er the copse that floated on the breeze
Melt in the morning clouds. She dried the tear,
Then thus:
"Near Harfleur's wall, where rolls the Seine95
Full to the sea his congregated waves,
Dwelt Albert once.—Seat of my earliest years!
Still busy Fancy loves with fairy touch
To paint its faded scenes: even now mine eye
Darts thro' the past its retrospective glance,100
And calls to view each haunt of sportive youth,
