Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/221

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From Baal-gad to Halak, and their Kings,
Even as the Lord commanded. Swift they fled 320
From that portentous banner, and the sword
Of France; tho' Talbot with vain valiancy
Yet urged the war, and stemm'd alone the tide
Of conquest. Even their leaders felt dismay;
Fastolffe fled fast, and Salisbury in the rout 325
Mingles, and all impatient of defeat,
Borne backward Talbot turns. Then echoed loud
The cry of conquest. Deeper grew the storm,
And Darkness, hovering o'er on raven wing,
Brooded the field of death.
Nor in the camp 330
Deem themselves safe the trembling fugitives.
On to the forts they haste. Bewilder'd there
Amid the moats by fear, and the dead gloom
Of more than midnight darkness, plunge the troops,
Crush'd by fast following numbers who partake 335
The death they give. As rushing from the snows
Of winter liquified, the torrent tide

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