Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/276

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I hoped unknowing."
As the warrior spake,
He on the earth the clay-cold carcass laid. 90
With fixed eye the wretched Maiden gazed
The life-left tenement. The dews of night
Were on his arms, and o'er the ghastly wound
Hung his brown hair gore-clotted. "Gallant youth!"
She cried, "I would to God the hour were come 95
When I might meet thee in the bowers of bliss!
No, Theodore! the sport of winds and waves,
Thy body shall not roll adown the stream
The sea-wolf's banquet. Conrade, bear with me
The corse to Orleans, there in hallowed ground 100
To rest; the Priest shall say the sacred prayer,
And hymn the requiem to his parted soul.
So shall not Elinor in bitterness
Lament that no dear friend to her dead child
Paid the last office."
From the earth they lift 105
The mournful burden, and along the plain
