Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/29

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His festive board! Nature has spread around
The unguilty food of life abundantly.
How frolic in the sun yon little fawn
Strains his young limbs; now browzes the sweet grass,
Now o'er the plain leaps lightly; that man's heart 200
Were hard and alien from humanity
Who could endure to gore his innocent side!
Sport on poor forester! sport on secure,
Fearless of one by hard misfortune school'd
To feel for others."
"Here my infant years 205
Roll'd on at length in peace; he taught my knees
To bend in prayer to that all-gracious God
Whose parent power had call'd me into life;
And who, from every perilous chance preserv'd,
Had to the friendless orphan given a friend. 210
Of every herb that blooms amid the grove,
Or on the high cliff drinks a purer air
He bade me know the virtue; with the morn
Up from the homely couch we rose to pour
