Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/301

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In Heaven's most precious boon humanity, 530
Their captain. From the war we may not spare
Thy valor long."
She said: when Conrade cast
His eyes around, and mark'd amid the court
From man to man where Francis rush'd along,
Bidding them spare the vanquish'd. Him he hail'd. 535
"The Maid hath bade me chuse a leader forth
To guard the captives: thou shalt be the man;
For thou wilt guard them with due diligence,
Yet not forgetting they are men, bereft
Of all they love, and who may largely claim 540
Thy pity."
Nor meantime the garrison
Ceas'd from the war; they, in the hour of need,
Abandoning their comrades to the sword,
A daring band, resolved to bide the siege
In desperate valor. Fast against the walls 545
The batteting-ram drove fierce: the enginery
Ply'd at the ramparts fast; the catapults
