Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/306

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This had the invaders won in hard assault
Ere she, the Delegate of Heaven, came forth
And made them fear who never fear'd before.
Hither the English troops with hasty steps
Retir'd, yet not forgetful of defence,
But waging still the war: the garrison 625
Them thus retreating saw, and open threw
Their guarded gates, and on the Gallic host,
Covering their vanquish'd fellows, pour'd their shafts.
Check'd in pursuit they stopt. Then D'Orval cried,
"Ill Maiden hast thou done! those valiant troops 630
Thy womanish pity has dismissed, with us
Conjoin'd might press upon the vanquish'd foes,
Tho' aided thus, and plant the lillied flag
Victorious on yon tower."
"Dark-minded man!
The Maid of Orleans answered, "to act well 635
Brings with itself an ample recompence.
Chieftain! let come what will, me it behoves,
Mindful of that Good Power whose delegate

"I am