Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/343

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Or deeper sable died. Two Genii stood,
Still as the web of Being was drawn forth, 325
Sprinkling their powerful drops. From ebon urn,
The one unsparing dash'd the bitter wave
Of woe; and as he dash'd, his dark-brown brow
Relax'd to a hard smile. The milder form
Shed less profusely there his lesser store; 330
Sometimes with tears increasing the scant boon,
Mourning the lot of man; and happy he
Who on his thread those precious drops receives;
If it be happiness to have the pulse
Throb fast with pity, and in such a world 335
Of wretchedness, the generous heart that aches
With anguish at the sight of human woe!

To her the Fiend, well-hoping now success,
"This is thy thread! observe how short the span,
And see how copious yonder Genius pours 340
The bitter stream of woe." The Maiden saw
Fearless. "Now gaze!" "the tempter Fiend exclaim'd,
