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EARLY in July 1793, the character of JOAN of ARC was the subject of conversation between myself and an intimate friend: the adventures of this extraordinary woman appeared to me well adapted for an Epic Poem; in the course of a few days I formed the rude outlines of a plan, and wrote the first three hundred lines; the remainder of the month was employed in travelling, and I made no progress even in idea. The subject was resumed on the 13th of August, and the original poem in twelve books, finished in six weeks, from that time.

My performance pleased myself, and those who had witnessed it's progress and completion. A few months afterwards it was shewn to a friend, whose taste and judgment I knew to be accurate.—"I am glad you have written this," said he, "it will serve you as a large collection, where you will find good passages for better poems." Our opinions differed, and I of course preferred my own. From this time the piece lay untouched in my desk, till the Autumn of 1794, when my intention of printing it was publicly announced.

Still the task of correction was unperformed. Many employments intervened; and a very few verbal alterations were all I had made when the paper and types arrived from London, and the Printer was ready to begin. The first proof was
