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misplaced (Delitzsch), and probably, as Merx has pointed out, should be inserted between ver. 32 and ver. 33. Thus verses 35-37 will furnish an appropriate and impressive close to the chapter. (6) xxxvi. 31 should probably go after ver. 28 (not ver. 29, as Dillmann misstates the conjecture); verses 30, 32 have a natural connection (Olshausen). (7) The passage xli. 9-12 destroys the connection, and should probably be placed immediately before chap. xxxviii. 1, as an introductory speech of Jehovah. In that case, we must, with Merx, supply the words, 'And Jehovah said,' before ver. 9.


There are many books and articles of importance besides the commentaries. Among these are Hupfeld, Commentatio in quosdam Jobeïdos locos (1855); Bickell, De indole ac ratione versionis Alexandrinæ in interpretando libro Iobi (1862); G. Baur, 'Das Buch Hiob und Dante's Göttliche Comödie,' Theol. Studien und Kritiken (1856), p. 583 &c. (with which may be grouped Quinet's splendid chapter, in his early work on religions, entitled Comparaison du scepticisme oriental et du scepticisme occidental'); Seinecke, Der Grundgedanke des Buches Hiob (1863); Froude, 'The Book of Job,' Short Studies, Series 1 (1867), p. 266 &c.; Reuss, Das Buch Hiob 1869); Plumptre, 'The Authorship of the Book of Job,' Biblical Studies (1870), p. 173 &c.; C. Taylor, 'A Theory of Job xix. 25-27,' Journal of Philology (1871), pp. 128-152; Godet, 'Le livre de Job,' Etudes bibliques, prem. partie (1873), p. 185 &c.; Turner, 'The History of Job, and its Place in the Scheme of Redemption,' Studies Biblical and Oriental (1876), p. 133 &c.; Grätz, chapter on Job in Geschichte der Juden, Bd. iii.; Studer, 'Ueber die Integrität des Buches Hiob,' Jahrbücher für protestant. Theologie (1875), p. 688 &c., comp. 1877, p. 540 &c.; Budde, Beiträge zur Kritik des Buches Hiob (1876), reviewed by Smend in Studien u. Kritiken (1878), pp. 153-173; Giesebrecht, Der Wendepunkt des Buches Hiob (1879); Derenbourg, 'Réflexions détachées sur le livre de Job,' Revue des études juives (1880), pp. 1-8; Claussen, 'Das Verhältniss der Lehre des Elihu zu derjenigen der drei Freunde,' Zeitschr. f. kirchl. Wissenschaft und Leben (1884), pp. 393 &c., 449 &c., 505 &c.; W. H. Green, The Argument of the Book of Job Unfolded (1881); Cheyne, 'Job and the Second Part of Isaiah,' Isaiah, ii. 259 &c., with which compare the very full essay of Kuenen, Job en de lijdende knecht van Jahveh,' Theologisch Tijdschrift (1873), p. 492 &c.; Delitzsch, art. 'Hiob,' Herzog-Plitt's Realencyclopadie, bd. vi. (1880).