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The literature upon Koheleth is unusually large. Some of the most important books and articles have been referred to already, and the student will naturally have at hand Dr. Wright's list in The Book of Koheleth (1883), Introd., pp. xiv.-xvii. It may suffice to add among the less known books, J. G. Herder, Briefe das Studium der Theologie betreffend, erster Theil (xi.), Werke, ed. Suphan, Bd. x.; Theodore Preston, Ecclesiastes, Hebrew Text and a Latin Version, with original notes, and a translation of the Comm. of Mendelssohn (1845); E. Böhl, Dissertationes de aramaismis libri Koheleth (Erlangen, 1860); Bernh. Schäfer, Neue Untersuchungen über das Buch Koheleth (Freiburg in Breisgau, 1870); J. S. Bloch, Ursprung and Entstehungszeit des Buches Kohelet (Bamberg, 1872); Studien zur Gesch. der Sammlung der althebr. Literatur (Breslau, 1876); C. Taylor, The Dirge of Coheleth in Eccl. xii., discussed and literally translated (1874); J. J. S. Perowne, articles on Ecclesiastes in Expositor, begun 1879; M. M. Kalisch, Path and Goal (contains translation of our book and much illustrative matter), 1880; A. Kuenen, Religion of Israel (1875), iii. 153 &c., also Onderzoek (1873), vol. iii., and article in Theologisch Tijdschrift, 1883, p. 113, &c.; S. Schiffer, Das Buch Kohelet nach der Auffassung der Weisen des Talmud und Midrasch und der jüd. Erklärer des Mittelalters, Theil i. (Leipz. 1885); Engelhardt, 'Ueber den Epilog des Koheleth' in Studien und Kritiken, 1875; Klostermann, article on Wright's Koheleth, in same periodical, 1885. See also Pusey's Daniel the Prophet, ed. 2, pp. 327-8, and the introduction to Prof. Salmon's commentary in Ellicott. [Prof A. Palm's bibliographical monograph, Die Qohelet-Literatur, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Exegese des Alten Testaments, 1886, appeared too late to be of use.]