Page:John Brown (W. E. B. Du Bois).djvu/288

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Lawrence, Kan., and the 16th of October, 1859, when he moved on Harper's Ferry, Va., with twenty-one men, it will certainly cover all of the outlay except that of time, labor, and lives."[1]

This total, however, does not include a fund of $1,000 raised for his family.

The civic organization under which Brown intended to work has been spoken of. The military organization was based on his Kansas experience and his reading. In his diary is this entry:

"Circassia has about 550,000
Switzerland 2,037,030
Guerrilla warfare See Life of Lord Wellington
Page 71 to Page 75 (Mina)
See also Page 102 some valuable hints
in Same Book. See also Page 196 some
most important instructions to officers.
See also same Book Page 235 these words deep, and
narrow defiles where 300 men would suffise to check an army.
See also Page 236 on top of Page "

This life of Wellington, W. P. Garrison states,[2] was Stocqueler's and the pages referred to tell of the Spanish guerrillas under Mina in 1810, and of methods of cooking and discipline. In one place the author says: "Here we have a chaos of mountains, where we meet at every step huge fallen

  1. Hinton, pp. 130–131.
  2. W. P. Garrison in the Andover Review, Dec. 1890, and Jan., 1891.