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"Well, my worthy friends," said he, "whither are you journeying?"

"We are journeying to the Celestial City," answered Christian. "But these two roads are so nearly alike that we know not which to take."

"I am going thither," said the man, "and I know the way very well. If you will follow me, I will be your guide."

So they followed him. But he led them by a way which after a while began to turn a little and a little away from the city. It kept turning until in time their faces looked away from the Celestial Land; yet they kept on following him.

"You are very wise men," said the stranger, "and there is no one who can walk with surer steps than you."

But after a time they found themselves caught in a net. The net was so tangled about them that they could not get out. Then the white robe fell off the dark man's back, and they saw where they were.

They lay struggling and helpless for some time. "Now," said Christian, "I see my error. We have been following the Flatterer. For is it not written that 'he that flattereth his neighbor spreadeth a net for his feet'?"