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wicket gate. Then as they stood before it they began to wonder how they should get through. They saw the words written above it, "Knock and it shall be opened unto you." But which of them should do the knocking?

At last Christiana ventured to knock. She knocked and knocked and knocked, just as her poor husband had done. Then, from within, they heard a dog barking. It was a large dog, too, and the women and children were much afraid.

What should they do? They were afraid to knock again. They were afraid to run back, lest they should offend the King. They were afraid to stand still and wait.

After a time, Christiana went up, trembling, and knocked again. Then the keeper of the gate came, and having opened the wicket, he asked, "Who is there?"

Christiana answered him truthfully, "I am the wife of Christian who once did pass this way, and these are his children and mine. We would fain journey onward, through this gate, to the Celestial City."

Then the keeper took her by the hand and led her in. He also lifted the boys over the threshold and brought them through the gate.