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the keeper was going about his duties, they began to rejoice.

"How glad I am that we are here!" said Christiana.

"So may we all well be," said Mercy, "but I have indeed cause to leap for joy."

"When I heard that savage dog, I feared that we were indeed lost," said Christiana. "I had scarcely strength enough to knock."

"It was the same way with myself," said Mercy. "I came near losing all hope."

"I marvel in my heart why the keeper has such an ugly cur," said Christiana. "Had I known it, I would never have had the courage to come near the gate. But now that we are in, we are in, and I am glad."

"Well, the next time he comes near us, I will ask him why he keeps such a filthy beast in his yard," said Mercy.

"Yes, do!" cried all the boys; "and persuade him to kill the ugly thing. We are afraid he will bite us when we go out."

So, presently, when the keeper came again by the place where they were resting, Mercy asked him, "Good sir, why do you keep that cruel dog in your yard? We are all much afraid of him."