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"Who is there?" cried the porter.

"It is I," answered Greatheart.

The porter knew his voice, for the brave guide had been there many times before. He hurried down and opened the gate; and when he saw Greatheart standing there, he said, "How now, Mr. Greatheart? What is your business here so late at night?" For he did not see the women and children who were behind him in the darkness.

"I have brought some pilgrims," answered the guide. "They wish to lodge here and rest for a while."

"They are indeed welcome," said the porter. "But why are you so late?"

"We should have come much earlier," said Greatheart, "but we were hindered by old Giant Grim who has often waylaid pilgrims and helped the lions. I had a long and hard fight with him, and I guess he will give no further trouble."

"Well, well! That is good news," said the porter. "Now come in and stay till morning."

"The pilgrims will go in," answered Greatheart, "but I must return at once to my master."

Then Christiana spoke up and thanked him. "You have been so loving and faithful, and you have