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called heartsease, than many a person who is clad in silk and velvet."

Then they walked on, and all were happy because of the beauties of the place.

"This valley suits me well," said Mercy; "for here there is no rattling with coaches nor rumbling with wheels. Here one may walk in quiet, and think about things that are beautiful and true."

"Yes," answered Greatheart, "this is a valley that nobody walks in but those who love a pilgrim's life. Here one is free from noise and the hurryings of business. It was here that our Prince once loved to walk; for the meadows are very beautiful and the air is pleasant."

Soon they came to the place where Christian had fought the fiend Apollyon; and Greatheart pointed out to the boys each noted spot in that field of battle.

"Here is where your father stood when he first saw Apollyon coming. Here is where the fiend fell upon him, and on these stones you may still see the marks of his blood. Here are some of the splinters of Apollyon's broken darts. And see here, how they did beat the ground with their feet as they fought to make good