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to those behind. "Look well to your feet, lest you step in some snare."

When they had come to about the middle of the valley, Christiana stopped suddenly.

"I see something in the road before us," she said. "It is a strange shape, unlike anything I have seen before."

"What is it, mother?" asked James, the little boy.

"An ugly thing, child; an ugly thing."

"But, mother, what is it like?"

"I cannot tell what it is like. Now it is near; now it is far off; now it is near again."

"Well, well!" said Greatheart. "Let all keep close to me."

Then he went forward with his sword drawn. The strange shape came on, and he struck it a fierce blow. Then the shape vanished and was seen no more.

So they went on more bravely. But Mercy, looking behind her, saw a great lion following after them; and now it gave a roar so deep and loud that all the valley echoed with the sound.

The hearts of all ached with fear. But Greatheart went behind, and set them in the road before him. Then he stood his ground to give battle to the lion.