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are fallen, and by leading them in the right way. If you wish to fight with me, I am ready for you."

The giant came up, and Greatheart went to meet him; and as he went he lifted up his sword, but the giant had a club.

So now they began; and at the first blow the giant struck Greatheart down upon one of his knees. With that the women and children cried out in great dismay, but Greatheart soon recovered himself and was up again. Then he laid about him with skill and strength and gave the giant a wound in the arm. And thus they fought for a whole hour in the heat of the sun.

Then they sat down and rested awhile; and when they had taken breath, they leaped up and began fighting again. And Greatheart with a full blow brought the giant down to the ground.

"Hold! hold!" cried Maul. "Give me a fair chance."

So Greatheart let him get up; and when they had breathed again they went at it even harder than before. The giant raised his club aloft and struck with full force at Greatheart's head; and had not the brave man leaped quickly aside, his skull would surely have been crushed.