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onward into the city. "Be ye watchful, and cast away fear; be sober, and hope to the end."

Now, at length, the day came on which Christiana must be gone. The road was full of people to see her take her journey; and the bank on the farther side of the river was crowded with chariots and Shining Ones that had come to accompany her to the gates of the Celestial City.

So she came forth joyfully, and entered the river; and as she did so, she beckoned farewell to her children and friends who were left behind. And the last words which they heard her speak were, "Lord, I come to be with thee."

Then when she had gone out of their sight, her children returned to their place. They returned weeping, but Greatheart and some others that were with them played upon the cymbal and the well-tuned harp of joy.

And Christiana, with the host of Shining Ones, went up to the Celestial City. She called at the gate, and entered with all the ceremonies of joy that had greeted her husband before her.

Glorious indeed it was to see how the open region was filled with horses and chariots, with trumpeters and pipers, with singers and players on stringed instru-