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But what a fearful hill it was! It was now a great mountain, and it seemed to hang right over the road, and Graceless feared every moment that it would topple over upon him. He stood still and trembled. There was no house in sight, no shelter of any kind. The earth shook; flashes of fire came out of the mountain; he knew not which way to go.

"Oh, that I had not listened to the words of Worldly Wiseman!" he cried.

Then, as he lifted his eyes, whom did he see but Evangelist coming to meet him.

"What are you doing here, my friend?" asked the good man.

Graceless could not say a word.

"Are you not the man whom I found crying in the field by the City of Destruction? And didn't I show you the way to the wicket gate?" asked Evangelist.

"Yes, dear sir, you showed me the way," answered the poor man.

"Then how is it that I find you here?" asked Evangelist.

Graceless told him how he had met Mr. Worldly Wiseman at the crossing of the roads, and how he had been persuaded to seek the house of the lawyer Legality.