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was before him. He turned and was about to run back when he heard a voice calling him. It was the voice of the porter, whose name was Watchful.

Christian paused and listened.

"Have courage, sir!" cried the porter. "The lions are chained, and if you will keep in the middle of the path they cannot touch you."

Then Christian, trembling with fear, went on as the porter directed him. The lions roared dreadfully, but they did him no harm. Soon he was safe at the gateway, and the porter took him by the hand and spoke words of welcome to him.

"What house is this?" asked Christian. "And may I lodge here to-night?"

"It is the House Beautiful," answered the porter. "It was built by the Lord of the hill, to serve as a resting place for weary pilgrims. Come in! Come inside of the gate."

Christian went through the gateway, and the porter asked him many questions.

"What is your name?"

"My name is now Christian, but at first it was Graceless."

"Whence have you come?"