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"And what else did you see on the way?"

"See! Why, as I came to the top of a weary hill I saw a cross, and as I went near to it and fell on my knees, the heavy burden which I had borne so long tumbled from my back and rolled far away out of my sight. And as I was rejoicing, behold three Shining Ones came to me with gifts. One of them gave me these beautiful garments which you see; for I had nothing but rags before. Another gave me this sealed roll, which is my passport to the Celestial City."

Then Prudence asked him, "What is it that makes you so desirous to reach the Celestial City?"

"Oh, there are many things," answered Christian. "I hope that when I am there I shall be free from the troubles which vex me here. They say that there is no death there, and that we may live with those whom we love best, and fear no evil. So I fain would be there and sing with those blessed ones who stand around the throne of the King."

Then Charity asked him, "Have you a family?"

And Christian answered, "Yes, I have a wife and four small children."

"And why did you not bring them with you?" asked Charity.