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"I saw another pilgrim passing, a little while ago," said Watchful.

"Did you know him?" asked Christian.

"He told me that his name is Faithful," answered the porter.

"Oh, I know him," gladly answered Christian. "He is one of my old neighbors. How far do you think he has gone?"

"He is at the foot of the hill by this time."

"Well, I will hasten and try to overtake him."

Then Christian bade the porter good-by, and began to go forward. But the maidens, Discretion, Piety, Charity, and Prudence, said, "We will go with you to the foot of the hill."

So they went on together, talking as they walked. The hill was very steep and slippery, and at its foot was the Valley of Humiliation. So dangerous was the going down that Christian would have fallen many times had not Discretion and Prudence been with him to direct his steps. Even as it was, he slipped two or three times.

At length, they were at the bottom of the hill. The maidens gave Christian a loaf of bread, a bottle of wine, and a cluster of raisins. Then they bade him good-by, and he went on his way.