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"Do you know this man?" asked the judge.

"Well, I have no great acquaintance with him, nor do I wish to have," answered the witness. "But I know him to be a very pestilent fellow; and I have heard him speak ill of our king and our religion." And with this, he went on to accuse Faithful of many wicked deeds.

Finally, Pickthank was brought forward and asked to say what he knew about the prisoner.

"My lord, I have known him a very long time," he answered. "I have often heard him rail against our king, Beelzebub, and against the princes of our land. In fact, I have heard him rail against you, my lord. I have heard him call you a villain, and all sorts of other ugly names. I know him to be an enemy of our country and of our king."

The judge was now filled with anger towards Faithful; and he called upon the jury to decide among themselves and give their verdict concerning the vile prisoner before them.

So the jury consulted together, and each one gave his own opinion of the matter:

"I see clearly that this man is a heretic," said Mr. Blindman, who was the foreman.