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Thus they rested and refreshed themselves for several days; and when they were disposed to go on, they ate and drank and departed. But soon the river and the road parted, and at this they were very sorry. For now the way was rough to their travel-worn feet; and as they went on, they wished for a better way.

By and by, they saw on the left hand of the road a green meadow; and there was a stile to go over the fence into it. And a sign by the stile told them that this was By-path Meadow.

Christian's feet being tender, he went to the stile and looked over; and behold there was a pleasant path on the other side of the fence.

"This suits me," said Christian. "Here is the easiest going. Come, Hopeful, let us get over and follow this soft, cool path."

"What if it should lead us astray?" asked Hopeful.

"Oh, no danger of that," said Christian. "It keeps close along the roadside fence."

So they climbed over the stile and found the path very easy for their feet. They soon overtook a man who was walking the same way, and they asked him, "Whither does this pathway lead?"

"To the Celestial City," he answered.