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                         Q. Why is swearing become so com-
                       mon among Scotch people? 
                         A. Because so many lofty teachers
                       come from the south amongst us, where
                       swearing is practised in its true gram-
                       matical perfection!  Hot oath, new
                       struck, with as bright a lustre as a new
                       quarter guinea, just come from the
                         Q. How will you know the bones of
                       a mason's mare at the back of a dyke,
                       amongst the bones of a hundred dead
                       horses lying in the same place? 
                         A. Because it is made of wood.
                         Q. Which are the two things not to
                       be spared, but not abused?
                         À. A soldiers coat and a hired horse.
                         Q. How is a man in debt like a no-
                         A. Because he has many to wait on
                       and call for him. 
                         Q. How is swearing like a shabby coat?
                         A. Because it is a bad habit.
                         Q. How is bad pen liked a wicked
                       and profligate man?