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                        Q. Who are the two greatest thieves
                      in Great Britain?
                        A. Tea and Tobacco, for they pick
                      the pockets of the whole nation.
                        Q. What is the difference between
                      Ale-drapers, and Linen drapers? 
                        A. Only this, the one cheats you
                      with froth, and the other with cloth.
                        Q. If Extortioners cannot enter the
                      Kingdom of Heaven, where will Usur-
                      ers, Tallymen, and Pawn-brokers go.
                        A. The same road with Extortioners.
                        Q. What is the consequence of im-
                      moderate gaming?
                        A. By cards and dice, a man is
                      ruin'd in a trice; for gaming and whor-
                      ing often hang together. 
                        Q. What employments are likest to
                      one another?

                        A. Soldiers and Butchers are bloody
                      near relations, for the both live by
                      slaughtering and killing.
                        Q. What are the two hardest things
                      to be found, and yet they are both good
                      in their kind? 
                        A. Good women, & good small beer.
                        Q. Who is the likest to a Boatman?
                        A. An hypocrite, who always looks
                      one way and rows another, in all his