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A. As he is the Teacher of the young and ignorant he supposes no man knows what he knows ; and because boys call him Master, therefore he thinks himself a great man.

Q. What song is it that is sung with- out a tongue, and yet its notes are un- derstood by people of alI nations ?

A. It is a Fart, which every one knows the sound of?

Q. What is the reason that young people are vain, giddy headed and airy, and not so humble and obedient as the children of former years.

A. Because they are brought up and educated after a more haughty strain, by reading Fables, Plays, Novels and Roman- ces ; Gospel Books, such as the Psalm- Book, Proverbs, and Catechisms, are like old A'manacks ; there is nothing in vogue but Fiddle, Flute, Troy and Babylonish tunes ; out plain English speech corrupted with beauish cants, such as Don't Won’t, Nen and Ken, a jargon worse than the Yorkshire dialect, or the Hottentote gib- berish.

Q. Why is swearing become so common among Scotch people ?

A. Because so many lofty teachers