Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/123

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Alexander had got rid of us with thse excuse that there could be no audience because Father Richlov was not in.

On Tuesday, we called again at Buimistrov's office, as per appointment. In spite of the fact that he himself had invited us, Buimistrov did not come out to us but sent his assistant who stated: "We have investigated the matter concerning the money and your confession. It was not Metropolitan Platon but Alexander and Father Richlov wor entrapped you with your confession, but it is now in the hands of Metropolitan Platon, and if you want to get it back, return the $200.00 and cease making any further demands."

Dudikotf replied that he was not going to do so, and we went to the Consistory. This was the third time. We asked to be announced either to the Metropolitan or to Bishop Alexander. The butler went to the Bishop's apartment. He soon returned, stating that the Metropolitan was not receiving and that Bishop Alexander had left for Brooklyn. Dudikoff was about to go home, and I remained in the hall.

As soon as Dudikoff went outside, Bishop Alexander also left the Consistory. I saw through the window Dudikoff take off his hat and approach the Bishop; I further saw the Bishop shake his fist at him, stamp his foot on the sidewalk and shout something. Later Dudikoff told me that when he asked the Bishop when he was to call for the money, Bishop Alexander began to curse him together with his posterity, even to the third and fourth generations, and threatened to send him up to Sing-Sing. I saw how afterwards Bishop Alexander ran back to the Consistory, and how Dudikoff hat in hand, apparently having forgotten to put it on, with bowed head, walked off in the direction of Madison Avenue.

After all this, Father Richlov in person called at my home, 172 East Third Street, and in the presence of the landlady, Anna Wishnevsky and her children, asked me: "Have you ever seen me in Dudikoff's company?" And when I answered that I had, and more than once at that, and that I knew all about the trick they had played on Dudikoff and that I could prove it in Court, either here or in Russia, Father Richloy became terribly infuriated. He began to threaten Dudikoff and myself with arrest, deportation, etc., etc,. adding:

"After this, I go my way, and you, Vassily, and Dudikoff don't you dare show your noses at my threshold! Otherwise my wife will hit you with a broom—you Vassily, once, and Dudikoff, twice. If you only dare call on me you, Vassily, know my son, Volodia—he

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