Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/27

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of the Law Code or Church Regulations, lay an album in a de luxe binding, with pictures of a pornographic nature which, apparently for the sake of exciting carnal passion, were perused by the men and women together. This de luxe album was kept in an equally de luxe case and I saw it many a time in the "saintly" Prelate's apartment. More than once I had to bring it to him locked in the case.

It was during this time that Vsevolod Fedorovitch Shcheglovitov, who was a son of Princess Alexandra Fedorovna Obolensky, by her first husband, and who pretended also to be Prince Obolensky, was a frequent visitor at Platon’s home. This yuong man very often went with the Archbishop to disorderly resorts or took prostitutes to the Waldorf Astoria or to Little Hungary, on East Houston Street. I personally succeeded in tracing them to these places. Owing to his recklessness, this wealthy young man went into bankruptcy and the major part of his money found its way into the pockets of the "saintly" Prelate Platon. Mr. Obolensky (Shcheglovitov) himself, whom I had known in Russia, complained to me about the matter.


Platon Takes My Money For "Safe-Keeping"

The first few days of my probation were over. I was summoned to the "saintly" Prelate who asked me: "Aren't you afraid to carry your money about with you?" I replied that I was indeed afraid at times. The Archbishop then replied: "We are beginning to think quite well of you. I have in my service a very loyal man, whom I entrust with the most confidential matters; he needs an assistant, and I think, after I know you better, I will appoint you confidential Inspector General to work under him. I will have you meet him as soon as he comes. And now, let me give you my fatherly advice: keep some money for current expenses, and let me have the rest for safe-keeping. You have a considerable sum of money on you and if you are robbed, whom will you hold responsible? Why, you will lay the blame at my door because I am the representative and spiritual Father and guardian of the Russians in America."

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