Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/29

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the permission of those present. Keep in mind that I do not participate in the sessions; I only wait on the members."

Father Slunin slapped me on the shoulder in sign of approval, saying: "Yes, we have made no mistake in recommending you to both the Bishop and the Archbishop as a man who knows how to hold his tongue. You'll do splendidly. One meets such men very seldom, and one is never sorry to meet them. Don't fail to call on their Eminences to-night."


I Meet The "Archangel"

When I came that evening to Archbishop Platon's apartment, I found there, besides the Vicarial Bishop Alexander Nemoloysky, another "gentleman" in frock coat, white vest and white tie. After Archbishop Platon, and Bishop Alexander had given me their blessing, Platon introduced to me the "gentleman" in the frock coat, saying: "This is our most beloved, loyal and worthy Inspector General and editor of our newspaper, Mr. Gabriel 'Archangel' Dobroff. And this," turning to the gentleman in the frock coat and white tie, "is Ivan Feoktistovitch Dudikoff, who is at present with us on probation and about whom, my dear Sir, I have already spoken to you. Make friends with him."

Both Archbishop Platon and Bishop Alexander were in very good humor, and asked me to make myself at home. Taking a good look at Dobroff, I recalled having seen him more than once at the "sessions", after which he often helped me to escort home on foot (if the "session" was held not far from the Consistory) or place intp closed cars and send home those who could not take care of themselves. … But neither Dobroff nor I made any sign of recognition. True, at the "session" there was a great difference in our relative positions: Dobroff, like the "Fathers" and their intimate friends, sat in an armchair, while I, standing in the doorway of the "meeting" room, entered only when summoned. I took orders which I con-

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