Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/34

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but myself listened to him. Father Slunin, whether on purpose or unintentinoally, declared that we were on the eve of war, that the Germans had concluded a secret treaty with Russia and that war would soon be declared on England and Japan. Gorokhov argued that the treaty had been concluded with Austria and not with Germany. The captain contradicted at first, but soon, apologizing for going, also left. Alexander Nemolovsky winked his eye and said to me: "See whether the captain snapped the lock on the door. Also see to it that you don't open the door for anyone. Don't receive any more visitors." He then added in a louder voice: "What ill-bred, insolent fellows our clergy are! They even disturb our Holidays and Sundays. As soon as his wife is to be a mother the provincial priest immediately comes to New York, asks for an increase or promotion to a better position in order to be able to support the infant that is to be born, and every one of them strives to become Rector of the New York Cathedral."


The Bishop Amuses Himself

I went to the entrance door which was only half shut, closed it and returned to the dining room. An animated conversation was going on between Father Slunin and Gorokhov. Madam Snegirev had retired to the bedroom. The Bishop, on noticing me said: "Ah, Johnnie, how stupid you are. Please do not leave the door unguarded." I went out to the hall, then to my room where I lay down on the bed.

From the dining room the loud voices of Father Slunin and Gorokhov reached me. I could not fall asleep or concentrate on anything. Bishop Alexander's voice was not heard,—apparently he was not participating in the conversation. About fifteen minutes elapsed. Behind the partition separating my room from the bedroom into which Madam Snegirey went in, I heard voices. I was not drunk because of my role rather of waiter than guest I was not supposed to participate in the orgy, although Bishop Alexander himself had often

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