Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/52

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instead of depositing it in their own Greek Orthodox Bank. You, too, Ivan Feoktitstowich, whom we may call our own Brother, a member of our Consistory family—where do you keep your money, eh? With the Sheenies … You have money and we have a Mission Bank, but we must have cash. What we need is a new deposit. Give us your money and we will give you a regular bank book. We have none on hand now—they are being reprinted because we have used up the old ones. Until then we will give you as security shares in the Oil Field Co. (one of the richest of Companies) which has its naptha wells between the Caspian and Azov Seas. These shares were issued at $5,000.00, but their present value is $42,000. Please take them but only as security. Don't sell them to anyone and return them to us. You will receive interest on your money and you may have it back whenever you please, even at one o'clock at night."

As I had once given my money to Archbishop Platon for safe-keeping in his Mission Bank and received it back on demand, but without interest, because as I was told, one is entitled to interest only after a deposit has been in the bank for a year, I went to Max Kobre's Bank, drew $3,000.00, brought it with me, but was very reluctant to part with it. Father Slunin began to persuade me, in Platon's presence, to deposit my money in the Mission Bank, because, he said, all American banks are Sheeny banks and fail continually. I counted out $2,800.00 and handed it over to Father Slunin, the Treasurer of the Bank, in the presence of Platon and another witness, Carol Sochko. Two days later I took from Mr. Khudobenko my $5,000.00 which he kept in the safe and, in the presence of the above mentioned persons, deposited it in the Mission Bank. Archbishop Platon counted the money and told me that I had nothing to fear because the Mission Bank was stronger than the Rock of Gibraltar. "You will get money back as soon as you demand it. Meanwhile take these shares and later on you will get your pass book." I was handed two papers with ten shares of the Oil Field Co. in each, and Archbishop Platon added: "In our bank your money will be safer than in any American bank. I stake my head on that."

I had $300.00 left with me. In token of gratitude, Father Slunin and Father John Chepelev, his assistant, invited me to take dinner with them. We went to Little Hungary, one of the richest hotel-restaurants, and Father Slunin ordered a most elaborate dinner with champagne, etc. At the dinner the Fathers told me that Platon was so good-natured and liked me so much that he expressed his wish to

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