Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/57

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When I regained consciousness, I found myself in jail, still bleeding. My money-belt was with me but empty. A few days later I was taken to Court. There I met the proprietor of the saloon and the Army officer, who had disappeared at the time I was struck down. To my question, what had happened, they both answered that the shooting had occured as soon as we left the saloon, and that they had run away for cover. They could not relate what had happened after

Ambassador Yuri Bakhmetyev.
Ambassador Yuri Bakhmetyev.

Ambassador Yuri Bakhmetyev.

that. I was landed in jail because a revolver was found about my person, although I had a special permit to carry one, signed by Yuri Bakhmetyev, the Russian Ambassador and his Attache, Vassilyev. This permit, together with my other papers and money, had disappeared and that it why I was arrested. Some time later Ilya Rosenthal and Victor Hartz, attorney for the Russian General Consulate,

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