Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/64

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I was again sent to the front. After a short period I was ordered by the Corps Commander to go to General Headquarters in the city of Moghilev, under the command of General Alexyev. On May 17, 1916, I was appointed Adjutant at the High Commander in Chief's quarters, where I succeeded in obtaining an audience with His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Nicholas Alexandrowitch, to whom I presented my complaint against Platon, recently appointed Exarch of Georgia, in the Caucasus. The Emperor said to me'

Nicholas II—Last Czar of Russia.
Nicholas II—Last Czar of Russia.

Nicholas II—Last Czar of Russia.

"I'm sorry, I can't see him immediately. According to rumors that have been reaching me since 1905 he is a very degraded person, indeed. Yes," he added: "All this is true, and Peter Arkadyevitch (Stolypin) was right. The edifice is large, its pillars are strong, but it will not stand the strain and must collapse. Evidently, German espionage is in full swing." There were present at this

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