Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/8

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Principal Persons 5
I. My Confession 8
II. I Come To America 15
III. I Undergo a "Rehearsal" 17
IV. Orgies Masked As "Rehearsals" 19
V. Platon Takes Money For Sage-Keeping 22
VI. I Meet the "Archangel" 24
VII. I Am Reprimanded and Sworn In 25
VIII. The Holy Fathers Celebrate 26
IX. The Bishop Amuses Himself 29
X. Ivan Gorbach, the "Specialist" 35
XI. At the Inquest 37
XII. The Clergymen Administer "Justice" 38
XIII. A Daylight Robbery 40
XIV. More "Inquests" 43
XV. I Pay for the Fathers' Dinner 46
XVI. Russian Spies in America 48
XVII. I Am Attacked, Robbed and Imprisoned 51
XVIII. I Return to Russia 53
XIX. Platon Repays Me With "Interest" 56
XX. I Meet the Czar 58
XXI. Platon Causes Husband's Death and Seduces Widow 61
XXII. Platon Instigates the Beiliss Blood Accusation 64
XXIII. His Eminence Leads Me a Chase 65
XXIV. Platon Incites Pogroms 68
XXV. The Hetman's Gendarmes Assassinate My Two Children 74
XXVI. I Land at the "Che-Ka" (Extraordinary Commission) 77
XXVII. I Am Sentenced to Death 79

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