Page:Johns's notable Australians 1908.djvu/62

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Part II.




Incorrupta rerum virorumque monumenta.

ABBOTT, Frederick William, D.S.O., Lieut.-Colonel of the New Zealand Defence Forces; b. in Devonshire, England, in 1865. He entered the New Zealand Volunteer Forces in 1898, and served in the South African campaign during 1900-2 with con-
tingents from his colony; mentioned in despatches, awarded the Queen's Medal with four clasps and the King's Medal with two clasps, and was decorated with the D.S.O. in 1902. Address — Defence Department, Wellington, N.Z.

ABBOTT, John Henry Macartney, author; s. of the late Sir Joseph Palmer Abbott, sometime Speaker of the Legisla-
tive Assembly of New South Wales. Has resided in England for several years. Author of Tommy Cornstalk (being some account of the less notable features of the South African war from the point of view of the Australian ranks; London 1902) and An Outlander in England (London 1905).

ABBOTT, William Edward, President of the Pastoralists' Union of New South Wales 1895-1907, member of the Executive of the Union since 1890, and has been fre-
quently President of the Federal Council of the Pastoralists' Association of Aust.; b. Muswellbrook, Hunter River, N.S.W., Apr. 1, 1844, and 2nd s. of the late John Kings-
mill Abbott. He has been engaged in pas-
toral pursuits on the Upper Hunter since 1860, and was M.L.A. for the Upper Hunter 1889-91. He has been a member of the Royal Society of N.S.W. since 1877, won the So-
ciety's bronze medal in 1884, and has writ-
ten several papers read before the Royal Society and numerous contributions to the Press) on pastoral and financial questions. Unmarried. Address—Murrulla, Wingen, N.S.W.

A'BECKETT, Hon. Thomas, Judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria since 1886; b. London, Aug. 31, 1886, s. of the late Hon. T. T. a'Beckett, M.L.C. of Vic. Ar-
rived in Aust. in 1850, won studentship of Inns of Court in 1859, called to bar Lin-
coln's Inn 1859 and Victn. bar 1860, mem-
ber of Council of University of Melbourne since 1887. m. 1875, Isabella, d. of the late Sir Archibald Michie, K.O.M.G., Q.C., Ad-
—Karbarook, Orrong Rd., Armadale, Melbourne.

ABBAXAUB, Be*. Joeeph, Ph.D., Se- nior Minister of Melbourne Hebrew Con- gregation and President of Victn. Beck Din (Jewish Ecclesiastical Court); ft. London, Apr. 1, 1865, a, of Rev. Barnet Abrahams B.A., Dayan (Eccle- siastical Judge) of the Spanish and Por- tuguese Hebrew Congregations, London, erf. Jews' Coll. and Univ. Coll., London, Hebrew Seminary, Berlin, and Berlin Univ. (B.A. London 1875, Ph.D. Lelpsic 1881, Rabbinical Diploma of Berlin Seminary 1882, M.A. Melh. 1886). Arrived in Aust. Sept. 1883, member of Hospital Sunday Comte. since 1884 and of Comte. of Patriotic Fund, President of United Jewish Education Board 1806-1901. Wrote The Sources of the Midraah Echah Rab- bah (a critical investigation), m. Apr.16, 1886, •Rachel, c. d. of Rabbi A. B. Davis, late Chief Minister of N.S.W. Recreations — Cy- cling, Sandow's dumbbells, rowing, walking, reading to keep abreast of the literature of the day. Address— Albert St, E. Melbourne, ADAMS, Arthur K., novelist, poet, jour- nalist; Editor of The Red Psge in The Bulletin, Sydney, since October 1006; ft. at Lawrence, Otago, New Zealand, June 6, 1872, 2nd s. of C. W. Adams, Chief Sur- veyor o» Otago and Marlborough, N.Z. (now retired) — parents colonial born, father of English and mother of Irish stock; ei.